NEW customers, Military, K12 teachers, and first responders get a 10% discounT
NEW customers, Military, K12 teachers, and first responders get a 10% discounT
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NOTE: We post new arrivals here 1st before getting the time to put them into our online store with pics and educational information. You can copy and paste form this list and use our contact page (see below "Order here" button in purple) to to put in an order though.
NOTE 2: Stock changes daily, so there is a chance the stock you want is sold out if referring to his list more than 1 day old.
Shipping dates: We ship on Tuesdays (weather-permitting) for Wednesday arrivals.
NOTE : No international shipping. Sales and shipping ONLY in the U.S.
• MINIMUM ORDER IS $50 OF LIVE STOCK (NOT COUNTING SHIPPING COSTS)• Use our contact page and copy and paste what you want and include your full name, address, and phone # and we will be confirm your order and email you payment total and instructions, Fedex Ship Center address, and ship date. Thank you.
NEW arrivals 2/7/25!
12 Chilobrachys natanicharum “Thai Electric Blue”, not for beginners!, B unsexed 1”-2” large spiderlings/small juveniles, $50 ea., 6@$45 ea.6 Cyrioscosmus aueri “Peruvian Dwarf Red Leg”, CB unsexed .5” to 1” spiderling, $60 ea., 6@$55 ea.12 Cyrioscosmus perezmilesi “Bolivian Dwarf”, CB unsexed .5” to 1” spiderling, $60 ea., 6@$55 ea.
12 Davus sp. “Lava Tarantula” (Panama), , CB unsexed .25” to .5” spiderling, $160 ea., 6@$155 ea.
12 Euathlus Manicata (Black Morph), CB unsexed .75” to 1” spiderlings, $100 ea., 6@$95 ea.
12 Euathlus Manicata (Green Morph), CB unsexed .75” to 1” spiderlings, $100 ea., 6@$95 ea.
12 Euathlus Manicata (Gold Morph), CB unsexed .75” to 1” spiderlings, $100 ea., 6@$95 ea.
12 Grammostola quirogai “Uruguayan Black”, a hobby classic! CB unsexed 1” to 1.5” juvenile, $60 ea., 6@$55 ea.
12 Homoeomma chilense “Chilean Flame”, Very popular! CB unsexed .25” spiderling, $110 ea., 6@$105 ea.
12 Pterinochilus murinus sp. “Kigoma” (dark color form), not for beginners!, CB unsexed .25” to .5” spiderlings, $36 ea., 6@$34 ea.
12 Psalmopoeus irminia “Sun Tiger”, not for beginners! , CB unsexed 1”-1.75” juveniles, $60 ea., 6@$55 ea.
12 Psalmopoeus irminia “Sun Tiger”, not for beginners! , CB unsexed 2”-3” juveniles/small sub-adults, $70 ea., 6@$65 ea.
6 Xenesthis intermedia "Amazon Blue Bloom", colorful and gets big! , CB unsexed 1"-2" , $110 ea., 6@$105 ea.
3 Green Tree Python (Aru locality type”), CR unsexed juveniles to adults, $1,000 ea.
1 Green Tree Python (Aru locality type”), HIGH WHITE! CR unsexed juveniles to adults, $1,200
3 Green Tree Python (Jayapura locality type”), CR unsexed juveniles to adults, $1,100 ea.
1 Green Tree Python (Sorong locality type”), CR unsexed sub-adult, $1,100
2 Leiopython albertisii “White Lip Python” (Northern morph), not for beginners! unsexed juveniles to adults, $450 ea.
2 Leiopython albertisii “Northern White Lip Python”, not for beginners! unsexed juveniles to adults, $450 ea.
3 Leiopython hoserae “Southern White Lip Python”, not for beginners! unsexed juveniles to adults, $1,000 ea.
3 Leiopython hoserae “Southern White Lip Python”, not for beginners! unsexed babies, $1,000 ea.
12 Tliltocatl epicureanum "Yucatan Rust Rump", rarely offered! CB unsexed 1" to 1.5", $80 ea., 6@$75 ea.
12 Poecilotheria miranda "Bengal 4-spotted Ornamental", a high contrast Pokie! Beautiful!, CB unsexed juveniles 2"-2.5"+, $130 ea., 6@$125 ea.
12 Poecilotheria regalis "Indian Ornamental", a hobby classic! CB unsexed juveniles 1"-1.5"+, $60 ea., 6@$55 ea.
12 Heteroscodra maculata "Ornamental Baboon”, WC unsexed juveniles/sub-adults, $30 ea., 6@$28 ea.
12 Alipes multicostis "Congo Flagtail Centipede", WC unsexed juveniles to adults 1.5" to 3", $30 ea., 6@$28 ea.
1 Ornithoctoninae sp. "Ho Chi Minh", Rare & beautiful!, CB unsexed 1"+ , $77.75
2.2 Phidippus regius "Regal Jumping Spiders", WC ADULT PAIRS FOR $39 EA.!
12 Cyriopagopus vonwirthi "Vietnamese Earth Tiger", Very defensive species! WC unsexed juveniles to sub-adults, $24 ea., 6@$22 ea., confirmed female sub-adults/adults, $49 ea.
12 Grammostola pulchripes "Chaco Giant Golden-Striped", Probably the BEST beginner's T! Grows to 8"! CB unsexed .5" spiderlings, $40, 6@$38 ea.
12 Grammostola porteri "Chilean Rose Hair", Excellent beginner's T! Rare species now in our hobby! CB unsexed .5" spiderlings, $60, 6@$55 ea.
12 Grammostola rosea “RED rose hair’, xcellent beginner's T! Has beautiful RED hairs along their femurs! CB unsexed .5”, $70 ea., 6@$65ea.
12 Hadrurus arizonensis "Desert Hairy", WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $20 ea., 6@$19 ea., 12+@$18 ea.
12 Smeringurus mesaensis "Dune Scorpion", WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $19 ea., 6@$17 ea.
12 Asbolus laevis "Smooth Death Feigning Beetle", WC unsexed sub-adult/adult, $12 ea., 6@$11 ea., 12@$10 ea.
12 Asbolus verrucosus "Blue Death Feigning Beetle", WC unsexed sub-adult/adult, $24 ea., 6@$22 ea., 12@$20 ea.
1 Edrotes ventricosus "Hairy Robot Beetle", WC unsexed adult, WC unsexed sub-adult/adult, $12 ea., 6@$11 ea., 12@$10 ea.
0.1 Ornithoctonus aureotibialis "Thai Golden Fringed Earth Tiger", Beautiful! CB 3" juvenile FEMALE! $175
3 Scolopendra viridis "Florida Blue Centipede", Rarely offered! WC unsexed sub-adults/adults, $24 ea.
* Argiope trifasciata "Banded Zipper Spiders", $10 ea., 6+@$9 ea.
1.0 Aphonopelma moderatum "Rio Grande Gold", Rarely offered! WC juvenile 3"+ male, $90
12 Green Tree Python (Biak type), CR unsexed juveniles to adults, $600 ea.
6 Green Tree Python (Aru type), CR unsexed juveniles to adults, $900 ea.
3 Green Tree Python (Jayapura type), CR unsexed juveniles to adults, $1,250 ea.
25 Scolopendra s. subspinipes "Barbados Giant Island Centipede", Very rarely offered! Amazing color & contrast! CB unsexed 1" babies, $30 ea., 6@$28 ea.
12 Avicularia versicolor "Antilles Pinktoe", CB unsexed 2"-3" juveniles, $100 ea., 6@$95 ea.
12 Chilobrachys natanicharum "Thai Electric Blue", CB unsexed 2"-3" juveniles, $90 ea., 6@$85 ea.
35 Lampropelma carpenteri "Sulawesi Giant Black Earth Tiger", This is one of the largest-growing tarantulas in the world with leg spans reported of up to 9.75". It is a tropical, arboreal species found in Northern Sulawesi, Indonesia that is very fast, high strung/nervous, and aggressive so it is only for advanced hobbyists. Post molt, they are grey and black with a velvet appearance. Matures males lack tibial spurs and are grayish-green some some muted leg striping. Juvenile to sub-adult males will be uniform black with grayish highlights. Breeding season is spring/summer and the female will make a sac that hatches out in 2-3 months with about 100-150 spiderlings. Growth rate is fast with males maturing in 1-1.5 years and females in 2-3 years. This species is rarely offered in the hobby. CB unsexed 1.25" to 1.5" well-started 4th star juveniles!, $54, 6@$51 ea., 12+@$46 ea.
12 Poecilotheria Metallica "Gooty Sapphire Ornamental", CB unsexed 2"-3" juveniles, $160 ea., 6@$155 ea.
6 Poecilotheria miranda "Bengal 4-spotted Ornamental", CB unsexed 2" juveniles, $100 ea., 6@$95 ea.
1 Poecilotheria miranda "Bengal 4-spotted Ornamental", CB probable male, 3.75"-4", $175
6 Poecilotheria striata "Mysore Ornamental", CB unsexed 2"-3" juveniles, $80 ea., 6@$75 ea.
12 Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli "Wessel's Tiger Ornamental", CB unsexed 2"-3" juveniles, $110 ea., 6@$105 ea.
25 Eresus elhennawyi "Moroccan Ladybird Spider", CB unsexed .5"+ spiderling, $80, 6@$75 ea.
25 Eresus illustris "Yellowhead Ladybird Spider", CB unsexed .5"+ spiderling, $80, 6@$75 ea.
25 Eresus moravicus "Gold Faced Ladybird Spider", CB unsexed .5"+ spiderling, $80, 6@$75 ea.
25 Eresus walckenaeri sp. "Orange ring mountanatica", CB unsexed .5"+ spiderling, $80, 6@$75 ea.
12 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens “Greenbottle Blue”, CB 3”-4” sub-adults!, $150 ea., 6@$145 ea.
6 Harpactira namaquensis "Bronze Baboon", CB unsexed 2" juveniles, $80 ea., 6@$75 ea.
25 Cyriopagous lividus "Cobalt Blue", WC unsexed juveniles to sub-adults, $80 ea., 6@$75 ea., confirmed female sub-adults/adults, $110 ea.
12 Hapalopus formosus "Pumpkin Patch" (large morph), CB unsexed 1"-2" juveniles showing adult color!, $150 ea., 6@$145 ea.
1.0 Theraphosa stirmi "Burgundy Goliath Birdeater", WC sub-adult/penultimate 6" to 6.25"+, Confirmed male!, perfect size for timing your T. stirmi breeding project! $100
25 Theraphosa stirmi "Burgundy Goliath Birdeater", WC unsexed juveniles to sub-adults, $100 ea., 6@$95 ea.
2.2 Aphonpelma chalcodes "New River Rust Rump", Beautiful! WC 4.5"-5" PAiRS! (adult female/ sub-adult/penultimate male), $139 ea.
0.1 Aphonpelma chalcodes "New River Rust Rump", Beautiful! WC 4.5"-5" , adult female, $85
0.6 Argiope trifasciata "Banded Argiope", WC adults females, $12 ea.
0.2 Trichonephila clavipes "Florida Golden Giant Silk Spider", WC adults females, $12 ea.
2 Scolopendra viridis "Florida Blue Centipede", WC sub-adult/adult, 2"-3", $19 ea.
10 Phormingochilus sp. "Akcaya", New bloodline born 7/1/24! Amazing color and grows to 7"! CB unsexed .75", $70 ea.
1 Chilobrachys natanicharum "Thai Electric Blue", CB unsexed, 4.5"+, $195 ea.
1 Poecilotheria miranda "Bengal 4-spotted Ornamental", CB probable male, 3.75"-4", $175
3 Scolopendra viridis "Florida Blue Centipede", rarely offered! WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $19 ea.
3 Cyriocosmus ritae "Peruvian Black & White Dwarf", Very rarely offered! CB unsexed 1" juveniles, $150 ea.
20 Scolopendra s. subspinipes "Barbados Giant Island Centipede", Very rarely offered! CB unsexed .75"-1" babies, $30 ea., 6@$28 ea.
2 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens “Greenbottle Blue”, CB unsexed .5”, $37.95 ea.
0.2 Latrodectus mactans "Southern Black Widow", Venomous! Venomous form required. Inquire. WC sub-adult/adult females, $19 ea.
1 Ethmostigmus sp “Blue”, Beautiful color! Grows to 5”-6”, WC unsexed sub-adult, $230
10 Scolopendra cf. alternans (Hispaniola Giant Red Centipede), SUPER RARE! Expecting 2nd week of Sep. this giants! They are capable of 10”+ lengths and have a beautiful red coloration. CB unsexed 1.5”-2” juveniles $350 ea. Must put in your order and payment before 8/14/24 as supply is very limited for this high-demand pede.
1 Scolopendra sp. “Sumatra Orange Leg”, blood red to orange legs on a black body! Grows to 6”-8”, WC unsexed sub-adult, $430
1 Scolopendra sp. “Sumatran Purple”, Maroon to purple coloration! WC unsexed sub-adult, $550
10 Scolopendra sp. "White Beard”, RARE and grows to 10”+, CB unsexed 2” plings, $100 ea., 6+@$95 ea.
10 Scolopendra hardwickei “Indian Giant Centipede”. OMG moment! YES, finally CB for the U.S. hobby! Legendary pede! Amazing color! Grows to 8”+, $460 ea.
3 Scolopendra hainanum “Chinese Giant Tiger Leg” (black island morph), Grows to 8.75”+, WC unsexed sub-adult/adult, $320 ea.
10 Phormingochilus sp. Rufus. "Peach Earth Tiger”, Amazing arboreal! Beautiful, FAST, very defensive, agile and only for advanced keepers. CB unsexed juveniles 1.75”-2”! $37 ea., 6+@$35 ea.
• Hadrurus arizonensis "Desert Hairy Scorpion”, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $30 ea., 6+@$28 ea.
15 Scolopendra polymorpha “SW American Tiger Centipede”, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $40 ea., 6+@$38 ea.
20 Habronattus sp. “Paradise Jumper”, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $50 ea., 6+@$45 ea.
Amphibians and Reptiles:
15 Gold Dust Day Geckos (Phelsuma laticauda) WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $90 ea., 6+@$85 ea.
• Ornate Uromastyxs (Uromastyx ornata), WC unsexed babies, $300 ea., 6@$275 ea.
5 Ornate Uromastyxs (Uromastyx ornata), WC sub-adult/adult females, $450 ea.
1 Albino Carpet Python (Morelia spilota variegata), CB unsexed baby, $390
1 Albino Carpet Python (Morelia spilota variegata), CB unsexed juvenile, $590
2 Brazilian Rainbow Boas (Epicrates cenchria), WC unsexed juvenile to adult $390 ea.
2 Childrens Pythons (Antaresia childreni) CB unsexed juvenile to adult $280 ea.
5 Striped Spotted Pythons(Antaresia maculosa), CB unsexed babies, $350 ea.
5 Stimson's Pythons (Antaresia stimsoni) CB unsexed babies, $350 ea.
12 Common Suriname Toads (Bufo marmorata), WC unsexed juvenile to adult $24 ea.
• Purple Harlequin Toads (Atelopus barbotini), WC adult males, $70 ea., 6+@$65 ea.
15 South American Giant Marine Toads (Rhinella marina), WC unsexed 7”-8”, $170 ea. (No sales to AZ, KY, CA)
3 Argus Monitors, WC unsexed babies, $700 ea. (NO sales/shipping to residents of MA)
Blue Tree Monitors, WC juvenile to adult males, $1,990 ea., females, $2,500 ea. (NO sales/shipping to residents of MA)
1 Green Tree Monitors, WC sub-adult female, $1,700 (NO sales/shipping to residents of MA)
3 Peach Throat Monitors, CR unsexed babies, $390 ea. (NO sales/shipping to residents of MA)
1 Yellow Tree Monitors, WC sub-adult female $2,900 (NO sales/shipping to residents of MA)
Water Monitors, WC unsexed babies/juveniles, $190 ea. (NO sales/shipping to residents of MA, CT, NY)
• Australian Water Dragons, CB unsexed babies, $500 ea.
Fancy Bearded Dragons: 20 CB unsexed babies, $40 ea., 50 CB 8”-10” $80 ea., 10 CB sub-adults/adults, $120 ea.
Flying Geckos, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $30 ea., 6@$28 ea.
20 Red Eye Armored Skinks, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $250 ea., 6@$245 ea.
2 Black Sulawesi Rat Snakes, RARE! WC unsexed sub-adults/adults, $1,100 ea.
• Sunbeam Snakes, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $90 ea., 6@$85 ea.
5 Biak Green Tree Pythons, CR unsexed RED babies, $700 ea.
• Biak Green Tree Pythons, CR unsexed YELLOW babies, $600 ea.
3 Biak Green Tree Pythons, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $650 ea.
2 Timor Pythons, WC unsexed juveniles $1,200 ea.
• Red Blood Pythons, WC unsexed babies, $170 ea., 6@$165 ea.
4 Biak Green Tree Pythons (Red phase), CR unsexed babies, $700 ea.
5 Jayapura Green Tree Pythons, CR unsexed juveniles to adults, $1,250 ea.
2 Sorong Green Tree Pythons, CR unsexed juveniles to adults, $1,250 ea.
• Biak Green Tree Pythons (Yellow phase), CR unsexed babies, $650 ea.
• Biak Green Tree Pythons (Yellow phase), CR unsexed juveniles to adults, $650 ea.
8 Carpet Pythons (Morelia spilota), CB unsexed babies, $250 ea.
3 Carpet Pythons (Morelia spilota), “Caramel phase", CB unsexed babies, $450 ea.
1 Red Blood Python, CR unsexed baby, $170
5 Southern White Lip Pythons, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $1,300 ea.
1 Northern White Lip Python,WC unsexed baby, $400
2 Northern White Lip Python, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $450 ea.
• Viper Boas, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $250 ea.
7 Axanthic Blue Tongue Skinks, CB unsexed babies, $600 ea.
• Blue Tongue Skinks, CB unsexed babies, $200 ea., 6@$195 ea.
10 Fancy Bearded Dragons, CB unsexed babies, $50 ea.
8 Fancy Bearded Dragons, CB 8” to 10”, $90 ea.
• Flying Geckos, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $30 ea., 6+@$28 ea.
4 Green Tree Monitors, CR unsexed babies, $1,590 (NO SALES TO MA RESIDENTS of this species)
15 Leopard Geckos (normal color phase), CB unsexed babies, $36 ea., 6+@$34 ea.
10 Leopard Geckos (mixed color phases - our pick), CB sub-adult/adult MALES, $40 ea., 6+@$38 ea.
20 Leopard Geckos (mixed color phases - our pick), CB sub-adult/adult FEMALES $60 ea., 6+@$55 ea.
10 Leopard Geckos (ALBINO), CB unsexed babies, $50 ea., 6+@$45 ea.
• Red Eye Armored Skinks, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $250 ea.
• Asian Water Monitors, CR unsexed babies/juveniles, $190 ea. (NO sales to residents in CT, MA, IA, NY)
1 Scolopendra cf. dehaani " Mt. Merapi Giant Black", Super rare! Grows to 10"+! WC unsexed 6.75"+ adult, $398.95
1 Chilobrachys guangxiensis "Chinese Giant Fawn Earth Tiger", CB unsexed 1.5"+, $39
1.1 Phidippus clarus “FL Red-back Jumping Spider” , WC adults, $49 for the PAIR!
1.1 Phidippus morpheus “Dream Jumping Spider”, Very rarely offered! WC sub-adults/adults, $89 for the PAIR!
0.1 Aphonopelma gabeli "Chiricahuan Gray", Uncommon in the hobby, WC 4" adult female, $74
1 Hadrurus a. arizonensis "Desert Hairy Scorpion", WC unsexed adult, $24
3 Mastigoproctus giganteus "TX Giant Vinegaroon", WC unsexed juveniles, $29 ea.
3 Asbolus verrucosus "Blue Death Feigning Beetle", WC unsexed sub-adult/adult, $29 ea.
0.1 Pamphobeteus sp. "mascara", (dark form), CB 5.75"-6" sub-adult female, $325
25 Pamphobeteus insignis (Colombia) "Colombian Purple Bloom", THE REAL insignis! USA SUPER RARE CB stock. CB unsexed .75", $174 ea., 6@$169 ea., 12+2$164 ea.
2.0 Theraphosa stirmi "Burgundy Goliath Birdeater", WC sub-adult/penultimate 6" to 6.25"+, perfect size for timing your T. stirmi breeding project! $100 ea.
50 Amazon Milk Frogs (Trachycephalus resinifictrix), CB unsexed .25” to .5” babies, $90 ea., 6@$85 ea. 12@$80 ea., 25+@$75 ea.
25 White’s Tree Frog (Litoria caerulea) CB unsexed babies, $24 ea., 6@$22 ea. 12@$20 ea., 25@$18 ea.
25 Australian Blue White’s Tree Frog (Litoria caerulea) CB unsexed babies, $30 ea., 6@$28 ea. 12@$26 ea., 25@$24 ea.
25 Blue-eyed White’s Tree Frog (Litoria caerulea) CB unsexed babies, $50 ea., 6@$45 ea. 12@$40 ea., 25@$35 ea.
25 Snowflake White’s Tree Frog (Litoria caerulea) CB unsexed babies, $40 ea., 6@$38 ea. 12@$36 ea., 25@$34 ea.
25 Dyeing Poison Dart Frog - WESTERN BAKHUIS (Dendrobates tinctorius) CB unsexed sub-adult/adult, $120 ea., 6@$115 ea. 12@$110 ea., 25@$105 ea.
Note: Amphibians are not guaranteed live arrival during temps of 85F+ or below 45F due to their delicate nature/requirements.
21 Heteropoda lunula "Purple Huntsman Spider", CB .25" to .5" spiderlings, $30 ea., 6@$28 ea., 12+@$26 ea.
3 Scolopendra polymorpha “American Southwest Tiger Centipede”, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $40 ea.
4 Hadrurus a. Arizonensis “Desert Hairy Scorpion”, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $30 ea., 6@$28 ea., 12@$26 ea., 25@$24 ea.
17 Hoffmannius spinigerus “Striped Devil Scorpion”, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $10 ea., 6@$9 ea., 12+@$8 ea.
1.0 "Sulawesi Black Sailfin Dragon” Hydrosaurus celebensis, WC adult male, $1,300
0.1 "Indonesian Giant Sailfin Dragon” Hydrosaurus microlophus, WC adult female, $1,300
0.1 “Weber’s Sailfin Dragon” Hydrosaurus weberi, WC adult female, $900
5/10/24: HUGE NEW ARRIVALS list!
12 Cerbalus pellitus “White Lady Desert Huntsman”, WC unsexed juvenile to adult, $80 ea., 6+@$75 ea.
50 Eresus walckenaeri “Green Lady Bird Spider”, CB unsexed .10” to .25”, 3 lots or more only, 3@$50 ea., 6@$45 ea., 12@$40 ea., 25+@$35 ea.
12 Scolopendra dehaani “Southeast Asian Giant Orange-legged Centipede”, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $50 ea., 6@$45 ea.
12 Scolopendra dehaani “Southeast Asian Giant Yellow-legged Centipede”, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $50 ea., 6@$45 ea.
12 Scorpio maurus “Israeli Gold Scorpion”, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $50 ea., 6@$45 ea.
3 Acanthoscurria simoensi (ex-Acanthoscurria fracta) “Para Mongo Tarantula” (this is one of the MOST defensive Ts on earth!), WC unsexed 3”-4", $200 ea.
6 Brachypelma emilia “Mexican Painted”, CB unsexed 3”-4”, $190 ea., 6@$185 ea.
25 Caribena laeta “Puerto Rican Pinktoe”, CB unsexed 2”-3”, $90 ea., 6@$85 ea., 12+@$80 ea.
50 Caribena versicolor “Antilles Pinktoe”, CB unsexed 1”, $60 ea., 6@$55 ea., 12@$50 ea., 25+@$45 ea.
50 Caribena versicolor “Antilles Pinktoe”, CB unsexed 2”-3”, $100 ea., 6@$95 ea., 12@$85 ea., 25+@$80 ea.2 Chilobrachys dyscolus “Vietnamese Blue Earth Tiger”, CB unsexed 2”, $50
25 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens “Greenbottle Blue”, CB 1.75”-2.5”, $150 ea., 6@$145 ea., 12@$140 ea.
25 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens “Greenbottle Blue”, CB 3”-4”, $190 ea., 6@$185 ea., 12@$180 ea.
50 Eupalaestrus campestratus “Pink Zebra Beauty”, RARE! CB unsexed .25”, $100 ea., 6@$95 ea., 12@$80 ea., 25+@$70 ea.
2 Eupalaestrus weijenberghi “White-collared”, RARE! CB unsexed .25”, $140 ea.
4 Grammostola mendozae “Argentine Brown”, RARE! CB 1.5”-2”, $200 ea.
6 Heterothele villosella "Tanzanian Chestnut Baboon”, CB unsexed 1”-2”, $60 ea., 6@$55 ea.
6 Homoeomma chilense “Chilean Flame”, RARE! CB unsexed .25”, $200 ea., 6@$95 ea.
12 Monocentrophus balfouri “Socotra Blue Baboon”, CB unsexed 3”-3.75”, $100 ea., 6@$95 ea.
25 Omothymus sp. “hati hati”, CB unsexed 1”+, $70 ea., 6@$65 ea., 12@$60 ea.
25 Omothymus schioedtei “Malaysian Earth Tiger”, CB unsexed 2”-3”, $70 ea., 6@$65 ea., 12@$60 ea.
25 Ornithoctoninae sp. "Vietnam Silver”, CB unsexed 2”, $150 ea., 6@$145 ea., 12@$140 ea.
25 Pamphobeteus sp. "Machala”, CB unsexed 2”, $100 ea., 6@$95 ea., 12@$90 ea.
25 Pamphobeteus sp. "platyomma”, CB unsexed 1”, $100 ea., 6@$95 ea., 12@$90 ea.
12 Pamphobeteus sp. Tigris, CB unsexed 1”-2”, $130 ea., 6@$125 ea., 12@$120 ea.
10 Phrixotrichus scrofa “Chilean Copper”, RARE! CB unsexed .25”, $90 ea., 6+@$85 ea.
25 Phormictopus sp. “Dominican Purple”, CB unsexed 2”, $150 ea., 6@$145 ea., 12@$140 ea
25 Poecilotheria metallica “Gooty Sapphire Ornamental”, CB 2”-3”, $190 ea., 6@$185 ea., 12@$180 ea.
25 Poecilotheria miranda “Bengal 4-spotted Ornamental”, CB 2", $100 ea., 6@$95 ea., 12@$85 ea.
25 Psalmopoeus irminia “Sun Tiger”, CB unsexed 2”-3”, $70 ea., 6@$65 ea., 12@$60 ea.
25 Psalmopoeus victori “Darth Maul Tarantula”, CB unsexed 2”-3”, $170 ea., 6@$165 ea., 12@$160 ea.
12 Pterinochilus lugardi “Fort Hall Baboon, CB unsexed 1”, $50 ea., 6@$45 ea., 12@$40 ea.
12 Theloderma corticale "Vietnamese Mossy Leaf Frog", WC unsexed sub-adult/adult, $250 ea., 6@$245 ea.
12 Theloderma bicolor "Mini Mossy Frog", WC unsexed juvenile to adult, $160 ea., 6@$155 ea.
6 Aphonopelma chalcodes "Arizona Blond" (lowland morph), great beginner species! WC unsexed juveniles/sub-adults, $60 ea., 6@$55 ea.
2 Avicularia avicularia "Guyana Pinktoe", M1 type, WC unsexed juveniles/sub-adults 3"-3.25", $24 ea.
1 Hysterocrates sp. "Niger Delta", CB unsexed 2" juvenile, $34
0.1 Phormictopus sp. "Green Femur / Gold Carapace", CB 7.25"+ adult female! Very rare as adult females in U.S. collections! $750
12 Theraphosa stirmi "Burgundy Goliath Birdeater", WC unsexed juveniles to sub-adults, $90 ea., 6@$85 ea.
1 Hapoclastus devmatha "LSD Tarantula", CB unsexed 1" spiderling, $90
3 Poecilotheria regalis "Indian Ornamental", CB unsexed 1" spiderlings, $34 ea.
3 Harpactira pulchripes "Blue Baboon", CB unsexed 1"" spiderling, $40 ea.
0.1 Chilobrachys fimbriatus "Indian Violet", CB sub-adult, 4.5” adult female!, $175
0.1 Ornithoctonus aureotibialis "Thai Golden Fringe", CB adult, 4.75” adult female!, $175
3 Tapinauchenius violaceus "Purple Tree Spider", CB unsexed .5"+, $34.95 ea.
12 Cyriopagopus lividus "Cobalt Blue", CB unsexed .5" spiderlings, $30 ea., 6@$28 ea.
6 Cyriopagopus lividus "Cobalt Blue", WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $90 ea., 6@$85 ea.
0.6 Cyriopagopus lividus "Cobalt Blue", WC sub-adults/adults, $120 ea.
6 Ephebous murinus "Skelton", WC unsexed juvenile to sub-adults, $80 ea., 6@$75 ea.
0.6 Ephebous murinus "Skelton", WC sub-adult/adult FEMALES, $110 ea.
6 Ephebous uatuman "Emerald Skelton", WC unsexed juvenile to sub-adults, $80 ea., 6@$75 ea.
0.6 Ephebous uatuman "Skelton", WC sub-adult/adult FEMALES, $110 ea.
25 Alipes sp. “Ghana Flag-tail Centipede”, WC unsexed juvenile to adult, $35 ea., 6@$30 ea.
50+ Gecarcinus quadratus “Moon Crab”, WC unsexed juvenile to adult, $20 ea., 6@$18 ea., 12@$16 ea., 25@$14 ea.
50+ Hottentotta hottentotta “West African Scorpion”, Venomous! Venomous form required. Inquire. WC unsexed juvenile to adult, $18 ea., 6@$17 ea.
50+ Aphonopelma seemani (Nicargua) “Stripe Knee”, WC unsexed juvenile to sub-adult, $20 ea., 6@$18 ea.
50+ Avicularia avicularia M6 ""Giant Metallic Blue Pinktoe”, WC unsexed juvenile to sub-adult, $55 ea., 6@$50 ea.
50+ Heteroscodra maculata “Ornamental Baboon”, Venomous! Venomous form required. Inquire. WC unsexed juvenile to sub-adult, $30 ea., 6@$28 ea.
50+ Tliltocatl albopilosus (Nicargua) “Curly Hair”, WC unsexed juvenile to adult, $30 ea., 6@$28 ea.
6 Uromastyx o. ornata “Ornate Uromastyx”, colorful and rarely offered! WC unsexed juvenile, $450 ea., 6@$425 ea.
0.6 Uromastyx o. ornata “Ornate Uromastyx”, colorful and rarely offered! WC sub-adult/adult FEMALE, $550 ea., 6@$525 ea.
6.0 Uromastyx o. ornata “Ornate Uromastyx”, colorful and rarely offered! WC sub-adult/adult MALE, $595 ea., 6@$575 ea.
12 Stegodyphus dufouri "African Desert Velvet Spider", WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $80 ea., 6@$75 ea..
12 Stegodyphus lineatus "Euro Desert Striped Velvet Spider", WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $80 ea., 6@$75 ea..
25 Centruroides margaritatus "Central American Bark", venomous, adult sale only, venomous form required (inquire), WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $30 ea., 6@$28 ea., 12@26 ea.
45 Ornithoctonus sp. "Ranong Blue-violet Earth Tiger", 1st USA hatch out! NEW to the U.S. hobby in 2023!, Absolutely stunning in color! CB unsexed .5" spiderlings, $35 ea., 6@$33 ea. NOTE: great price! Don't snooze on getting these beauties as they molt and grow, expect pricing to rise rapidly!
12 Phormingochilus sp. "Akcaya", Rarely offered; grows to 7.5"+; beautiful!, CB unsexed .5" spiderlings, $70 ea., 6@$65 ea. (arriving around 5/18/24)
6 Theraphosa stirmi "Burgundy Goliath Birdeater", WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $90 ea., 6@$85 ea.
25 Androctonus bicolor, venomous, adult sale only, venomous form required (inquire), WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $50 ea., 6@$45 ea.
25 Leiurus quinquestriatus, venomous, adult sale only, venomous form required (inquire), WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $50 ea., 6@$45 ea.
25 Scorpio maurus (gold form) , WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $50 ea., 6@$45 ea.
25 Gecarcinus quadratus "Moon Crab", WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $20 ea., 6@$18 ea.
2 Morelia viridis "Green Tree Python" (Aru type), CR unsexed juveniles to adults, $900 ea.
1.1 Aphonopelma anax "South Texas Chocolate Red Rump", great beginner species! WC PAIR young adult females & penultimate male! $115
0.2 Aphonopelma chalcodes "Arizona Blond" (lowland morph), great beginner species! WC young adult females! , $85
• Aphonopelma chalcodes "New River Rust Rump", great beginner species! WC unsexed juveniles/sub-adults, $48 ea., 6@$46 ea., confirmed male sub-adults/penultimates $58 ea., confirmed female sub-adults/adults, $85 ea.
0.2 Avicularia juruensis M2 "Peruvian Purple Pinktoe", Just stunning! Post-molt these are just some of the most beautiful of all tarantulas! You might see them as slings, but these are RARE new blood females! WC 4"-5" confirmed adult females $195 ea.
• Chilobrachys sp. "Saraburi", CB unsexed 2"-4"+ juveniles/sub-adults, 2 lot/$380 or 6 lot/$1,110.
• Chilobrachys sp. "South Thailand Blue Earth Tiger", Oh my! Amazing Royal Navy legs! Super rare! Sold only as 2 or 6 lots. 2 lot of WC unsexed 4"+ sub-adults for $380 or 6 lot for $1,110.
• Ornithoctonus sp. "Uthai Thani Earth Tiger" , WC unsexed 2" to 3.75" juveniles/sub-adults, 2 lot of WC unsexed 4"+ sub-adults for $220 or 6 lot for $630.
• Ornithoctonus costalis "Thai Silver Grey Earth Tiger", CB unsexed 2"-3" juveniles/sub-adults, 2 lot/$380 or 6 lot/$1,110.
0.2 Pamphobeteus sp. (ex - P. petersi) "Peruvian Giant Backfire Birdeater", WC 4.75" to 6"+ females!, $195 ea.
• Avicularia juruensis M1 "Yellow-Banded Pinktoe", WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $150 ea., 6@$145 ea., confirmed females $195 ea.
• Chilobrachys sp. "Forbidden Wind", NEW to hobby! WC unsexed juveniles to sub-adults, 2"-3", $200 ea., 6@$195 ea.
• Cyriocosmus sellatus "Peruvian Valentines Dwarf", WC unsexed juveniles to sub-adults, 2"-3", $150 ea., 6@$145ea.
1 Rhysida celeris "Peruvian Sky Blue-legged", Super rare! WC unsexed 4.5"+, $109
2 Scolopendra sp. "Giant White Beard", Super rare! WC unsexed 6"-8", $600 ea.
2 Scolopendra sp. "Mint-legged (Vietnam) {pale green leg}", Super rare! WC unsexed 5"-7", $400 ea.
3 Scolopendra hermosa "Peruvian Black-headed Centipede", rare! WC unsexed 3"-5", $300 ea.
• Sterropristes Violaceus "Purple Twin Tail Centipede", WC unsexed 1"-1.5" sub-adult/adults, $200 ea., 6@$195 ea.
• Bothriocyrtum californicum "California Trapdoor Spider", CB unsexed .10" to .25" spiderlings, $30 ea., 6@$28 ea.
• Cyclocosmia ricketti Thai Hourglass Trapdoor", WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $160 ea., 6@$155 ea.
• Damachus workmani "Singapore Tube Trapdoor", CB unsexed .25"-.5" slings, $30 ea., 6@$28 ea.
• Sason Sondiocun "Sunda Tree Trapdoor Spider", CB unsexed .25"-.5" slings, $80 ea., 6@$75 ea.
• Barylestis sp. "Cameroon Crab Huntsman Spider", WC unsexed juveniles to adults, 1"-2.5"", $40 ea., 6@$38 ea.
• Barylestis saaristoi "Ghost Huntsman", WC unsexed juveniles to adults, 1"-2.5"", $140 ea., 6@$135 ea.
• Africactenus poecilus "Gold Band Wandering Spider" (Mamfe Road)", Venomous, must be an adult and fill out our venomous form., WC unsexed juveniles to adults, 2"-5", $55 ea., 6@$50 ea.
6 Heteropoda lunula "Purple Huntsman Spider", CB unsexed 2"-3" sub-adults/adults, $200 ea., 6@$195 ea.
• Macroctenus kingsleyi "Golden Blue Femur Wandering", Venomous, must be an adult and fill out our venomous form., WC unsexed juveniles to adults, 2"-5", $55 ea., 6@$50 ea.
• Piloctenus haematostoma "Red-fanged Wandering spider", Venomous, must be an adult and fill out our venomous form., WC unsexed juveniles to adults, 2"-3", $75 ea., 6@$70 ea.
1.0 Centruroides guanensis "Florida Keys Scorpion" (North morph), mature male, $24.99
• Rhopalurus junceus "Cuban Blue", CB unsexed 1"-1.5" sub-adults, $100 ea., 6@$95 ea.
Millipedes (WC unsexed juveniles to adults. For a chance at breeding, buy 5+ lots.)
• Atophochetus Dollfusi “Thai Rainbow, 5@$45 ea., 10@$40 ea.
• Desmoxytes Planata “Pink Dragon”, 5@$45 ea., 10@$40 ea.
• Polydesmus angustus “Yellow Dragon”, 5@$45 ea., 10@$40 ea.
• ThyropygusSp. “Jade Banded”, 5@$45 ea., 10@$40 ea.
• Pelmatojulus ligulatus “Amber Banded”, 5@$45 ea., 10@$40 ea.
• Rhopalomeris Carnifex “Candy Corn”, 5@$45 ea., 10@$40 ea.
• Rhopalomeris Carnifex “Candy Pill”, 5@$45 ea., 10@$40 ea.
• Litostrophus Segregatus “False Rainbow”, 5@$45 ea., 10@$40 ea.
• Spirobolida Sp. “Thai Amber”, 5@$45 ea., 10@$40 ea.
• Archispirostreptus gigas “Giant African”, $170 ea.
6 Uromastyx dispar flavifasciata "Orange-banded Uromastyx", Super rare! CB unsexed big babies, $1,110 ea., 6@1,105 ea.
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